Rainforests and Brazil News

1882 stories

Why the Amazon’s small streams have a major impact on its grand rivers

Agrarian reform agencies and national land registry systems in the Pan Amazon

The dynamics of violence in pursuit of land in the Pan Amazon

Amazonia in flames: Unlearned lessons from the 2023 Manaus smoke crisis (commentary)

Thousands of tree species at risk of extinction in Atlantic Forest: study

Land in the Pan Amazon, the ultimate commodity: Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

2024 outlook for rainforests

The year in rainforests: 2023

Company sells Indigenous land in Amazonas as NFTs without community’s knowledge

Colombian companies defy laws, push Amazon carbon projects in Indigenous lands

Detailed NASA analysis finds Earth and Amazon in deep climate trouble

Other financial systems in the agricultural practice of the Amazon

Race to destroy the Amazon forest: Brazil’s National Congress set to force construction of Highway BR-319 (commentary)

Brazil’s “End-of-the-World” auction for oil and gas drilling (commentary)

Major soy producers announce improved deforestation commitments—with caveats

Rural finance in the Pan Amazon: the Brazil success case

Roundtables and certification schemes in the Pan-Amazon

Deforestation falls for 8th straight month in the Amazon rainforest, but rises in the cerrado

Coca in the Amazon – The anti-development crop

Local and national food crops in the Andean Amazon

Brazil cattle traceability program to limit deforestation in Pará state

What Brazil should have said at COP28 but didn’t (commentary)

Brazil proposes $250 billion “Tropical Forests Forever” fund for rainforests

High quality cacao in Amazonia

Cargill widens its deforestation-free goals, but critics say it’s not enough

Cultivation and processing of Amazonian coffees

Paradise lost? Brazil’s biggest bauxite mining firm denies riverine rights

In Brazil’s Amazon, a clandestine road threatens a pristine reserve

Jane Goodall and Dax Dasilva partner with Amazon Indigenous youth for new Roots & Shoots program

Coffee and cacao in the Pan Amazon

Biofuels in the Pan Amazon

Jurisdictional REDD+ ready to fund forest-positive, socially-inclusive development in the Amazon and beyond (commentary)

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