Rainforests and Brazil News

1865 stories

Deforestation falls for 8th straight month in the Amazon rainforest, but rises in the cerrado

Coca in the Amazon – The anti-development crop

Local and national food crops in the Andean Amazon

Brazil cattle traceability program to limit deforestation in Pará state

What Brazil should have said at COP28 but didn’t (commentary)

Brazil proposes $250 billion “Tropical Forests Forever” fund for rainforests

High quality cacao in Amazonia

Cargill widens its deforestation-free goals, but critics say it’s not enough

Cultivation and processing of Amazonian coffees

Paradise lost? Brazil’s biggest bauxite mining firm denies riverine rights

In Brazil’s Amazon, a clandestine road threatens a pristine reserve

Jane Goodall and Dax Dasilva partner with Amazon Indigenous youth for new Roots & Shoots program

Coffee and cacao in the Pan Amazon

Biofuels in the Pan Amazon

Jurisdictional REDD+ ready to fund forest-positive, socially-inclusive development in the Amazon and beyond (commentary)

End of impunity for Indigenous killings in sight for Brazil’s Guajajara

Shell affiliate accused of violating Indigenous rights in carbon credit contracts

What does oil palm require to reach international markets?

Palm oil cultivation in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon falls 22% in 2023

Amazon deforestation has a regional, not just local impact: study

‘We just want to be left in peace’: In Brazil’s Amazon, soy ambitions loom over Indigenous land

Oil palm in the Pan Amazon

Agriculture in the Pan-Amazon: Swine and poultry – Adding value to farm production

Can digital twins help save the Amazon? (commentary)

Agriculture in the Pan Amazon: Industrial infrastructure for grains and cereals

Agriculture in the Pan Amazon: Global markets for soybean and corn crops

Intensive agriculture in the Pan Amazon: Soy, maize and other field crops

Livestock farming in the Andean Amazon and the rest of the Amazon

New satellite readings show full extent of mining in the Amazon Rainforest

National versus global markets – beef in the Brazilian Amazon

Industrial infrastructure in the Pan Amazon

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