Plants News

554 stories

Study revealing New Guinea’s plant life ‘first step’ toward protection

Illegal plant trade, tourism threaten new Philippine flowering herbs

Climate change could put tropical plant germination at risk: Study

New Guinea has the most plant species of any island

Amazonia’s people domesticated crops on ‘forest islands’ 10,000 years ago: Study

In Sri Lanka, a South American flower usurps a tree sacred to Buddhists and Hindus

‘In the plantations there is hunger and loneliness’: The cultural dimensions of food insecurity in Papua (commentary)

38 endangered Brazilian tree species legally traded, poorly tracked: Study

From a Philippine conflict hotspot, a new insect-eating plant emerges

They survived centuries of elephant onslaught. Now climate change is killing these iconic baobabs

Land scarcity and disease threaten a multifaceted indigenous crop in Ethiopia

As habitat degradation threatens Amazon species, one region offers hope

From a Sri Lankan rainforest, a new species of orchid blooms

In Sri Lanka, beguiling bloom of cat’s claw vine conceals potential trouble (commentary)

Impending Amazon tipping point puts biome and world at risk, scientists warn

Mass tree planting along India’s Cauvery River has scientists worried

Cost-effective conservation: Study identifies key ‘umbrella’ species

Philippine fern efficiently absorbs arsenic, copper from toxic mining soil

Rare plant species are especially vulnerable to climate change, and rarity is more common than previously understood

Photos: Top 15 new species of 2019

Bringing back extinct plants to life: Q&A with ‘plant messiah’ Carlos Magdalena

Amazonian tree with human-sized leaves finally gets ID’d as new species

New assessment method finds close to one-third of tropical Africa’s plants are potentially facing extinction

Lawsuit against Indonesian coal plant reveals permit irregularities

Biodiversity ‘not just an environmental issue’: Q&A with IPBES ex-chair Robert Watson

Study tracks first incursion of poachers into ‘pristine’ African forest

Wilderness cuts the risk of extinction for species in half

Climate change threatens some island conifers with extinction

‘Radically changing’ a rare Mauritian plant’s story: Q&A with ecologist Prishnee Bissessur

Wild orchid trade in China is huge, overlooked and ‘devastating,’ study finds

Mysterious plants that thrive in darkness, steal food: Q&A with botanist Kenji Suetsugu

New orchid species from Japan lives on dark forest floor, never blooms

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