Plants News

552 stories

Mexico devises revolutionary method to reverse semiarid land degradation

New species of “killer tobacco” found at Australian truck stop

Soil and its promise as a climate solution: A primer

Seed dispersal is just as important as pollination (commentary)

Scientists call for solving climate and biodiversity crises together

Study shows it took the Amazon as we know it over 6 million years to form

A novel tree nursery gives the Caatinga a fighting chance against desertification

The key to averting environmental catastrophe is right beneath our feet

Sri Lanka to ban palm oil imports, raze plantations over environmental concerns

‘Profound ignorance’: Microbes, a missing piece in the biodiversity puzzle

Madagascar: Businesses drive disappearance of a wetland ‘reed forest’

Study sounds latest warning of rainforest turning into savanna as climate warms

Hope blooms for an ‘extinct’ Sri Lankan tree that reemerged under threat

In Japan, scientists look to the past to save the future of grasslands

Big dream: NGO leads in creating 1,615-mile Amazon-Cerrado river greenbelt

Fruit-eating, seed-pooping animals can help restore degraded forests

Protesters hold back military takeover of Balkans’ largest mountain pasture

Tropical forests can take the heat, study finds. Dryness? Not so much

Restaura Cerrado: Saving Brazil’s savanna by reseeding and restoring it

[Photos] Tiny frog, venomous viper among 20 new species described in Bolivia

Podcast: Lemur love and award-winning plant passion in Madagascar

Amazon botanist Sir Ghillean Prance: ‘The environmental crisis is a moral one’

On a Philippine mountain, researchers describe a ‘fire flower’ orchid species

When roads cross wilderness areas, plant pathogens can hitch a ride

A Philippine tribe’s plant-based medical tradition gets its moment

World’s plants and fungi a frontier of discovery, if we can protect them: Report

Fires turn sage brush habitat in Washington into a scorched ‘oblivion’

Missing mangroves are root of contention over Philippine airport project

Latin America has twice the plant life of Africa, SE Asia

Lockdown should have cleared up Jakarta’s air. Coal plants kept it dirty

Study revealing New Guinea’s plant life ‘first step’ toward protection

Illegal plant trade, tourism threaten new Philippine flowering herbs

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