Plants News

536 stories

Humans are leaving their mark on the world’s protected areas, study finds

In the Canary Islands, a good seed disperser is hard to find

Global warming may poison monarch butterflies, study finds

Indonesian conservation bill is weak on wildlife crime, critics say

Vine-like lianas alter the edges of fragmented forests: New study

More than 40 percent of Madagascar’s freshwater life sliding toward extinction, IUCN finds

‘A real surprise’: Study reveals low phosphorus doesn’t hinder rainforest growth

Land plants may have evolved much earlier than we thought

The ozone layer is still getting thinner, new study finds

New ‘ghost’ scorpion among several species recorded for the first time in Malaysian rainforest

New checklist catalogs every vascular plant in the Americas

Light pollution lures nighttime pollinators away from plants

Saving Sumatran orchids from deforestation, one plant at a time

The world’s newest great ape, revealed a month ago, is already nearly extinct: IUCN

Orangutans process plants into medicine, study finds

Brilliant blue tarantula among potentially new species discovered in Guyana

How small is too small? The uncertain fate of Madagascar’s forest fragments

Study maps out reptiles’ ranges, completing the ‘atlas of life’

Eat less meat, save species and ecosystems, says WWF UK

Conserving habitat not enough to help species cope with climate change

Two new ‘birdcatcher’ trees described from Puerto Rico

Scientists sequence plant DNA in the field to identify species within hours

What works in conservation? In-depth series starts next week

Good quality monitoring surveys key to wildlife conservation: new study

Proposed Colombia dam threatens to wipe out endangered plants, disrupt river

Tropical forest diversity and carbon richness not linked, study finds

Why not both? Rainforest diversity stems from two seemingly irreconcilable processes

Extremely rare cobra lily rediscovered in India

Manmade noise pollution even more prevalent in US protected areas than researchers expected

Saving the most endangered plants in the world

Illegal trade threatens nearly half the world’s natural heritage sites: WWF

Scientists launch global search for 25 ‘lost’ species

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