Penguins News

52 stories

‘Catastrophic breeding failure’ for penguins as Antarctic sea ice vanishes

Penguins ‘enrich our lives’: Q&A with Pablo Borboroglu, protector of penguins

As climate change melts Antarctic ice, gentoo penguins venture further south

‘No other choice’: Groups push to protect vast swaths of Antarctic seas

Emperor penguins could disappear by 2100 if nations don’t cap emissions

Penguin and seal poop powers life in Antarctica, study finds

Large emperor penguin colony suffers ‘catastrophic’ breeding failure

Bird flu in Namibia’s penguins wanes, after killing nearly 500

Why are more female than male Magellanic penguins stranded in South America every year?

Argentina creates two new marine parks to protect penguins, sea lions

Photos: Here are the winners of the 2018 British Ecological Society photo contest

New Zealand penguins make ‘crazy’ 7,000-km round trip for food

Largest king penguin colony in the world has shrunk by 90%

How to help penguins (photos)

Penguin mega-colony discovered using satellites and drones, raising scientists’ hopes

Ecological trap ensnares endangered African penguins

Coastal wildlife paradise declared biosphere reserve in Argentina (PHOTOS)

Can penguins cope with climate change? Scientists find different types of ice elicit different responses

No place like home: scientists discover that male crested penguins head home earlier than females

Photos: emperor penguins take first place in renowned wildlife photo contest

Penguins face a slippery future

Cute animal pictures of the day: Humboldt penguin chick meets water

Cute animal picture of the day: African penguin chick

Over 500 dead penguins wash up in Brazil, cause under investigation

Scientists count penguins by satellite, find twice as many as expected (photos)

Paleontologists reconstruct extinct, “elegant” penguin

Picture of penguins is a prize-winner

Picture: Baby penguins get cozy

PHOTO: Adorable penguin chicks score their own blog

Photos: New Zealand oil disaster kills over 1200 birds to date

Bird-killing oil spill New Zealand’s ‘worst environmental disaster’

Sowing the seeds to save the Patagonian Sea

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