Oil palm News

423 stories

Indonesia’s No. 2 palm oil firm faces global backlash over community conflict

Degraded, but not defunct: Modified land still has wildlife value, study says

Nearly 85% of Indonesian peatlands aren’t protected, study shows

Communities accuse Socfin and Earthworm Foundation of greenwash in West Africa

Alleged torturers roam free as Indonesia struggles to bring charges in palm oil slavery case

Palm oil giants face corruption charges as Indonesia probe widens

Palm oil: The crop that cuts into southeastern Mexico’s jungles and mangroves

In Indonesia, companies defy government’s decision to revoke their permits

Sumatra Indigenous community displaced by Samsung palm oil unit await justice

Peatlands, Indonesia’s carbon trove, are mostly unprotected, study finds

Palm giants Wilmar, Indofood, RGE fined over Indonesian cooking oil shortage

Indonesia, Malaysia deploy ministers to push back on EU palm oil restrictions

Indonesian audit finds taxes unpaid on 22 million acres of oil palm plantations

Indigenous chief shot in head in Brazil’s ‘palm oil war’ region; crisis group launched

From palm oil waste to cellulosic ethanol: Indonesia’s opportunity (commentary)

New book by Mongabay Indonesia & Kaoem Telapak investigates palm oil industry

EU deforestation tracking regulation sparks division among groups, producers

Palm oil giant hands over sacred community land for reforestation project

Indonesia legalizes illicit oil palm farms in program slammed as opaque

With little will to fight it, corruption is major risk for Indonesian palm oil

RSPO suspension of Brazil palm oil exporter tied to Mongabay land-grabbing report

How do oil palm companies get away with disregarding Indonesian law? (commentary)

Palm oil deforestation hits record high in Sumatra’s ‘orangutan capital’

Conservationists decry palm oil giants’ exit from HCSA forest protection group

Orangutan death in Sumatra points to human-wildlife conflict, illegal trade

Indonesian palm oil billionaire gets 15 years for corruption

Forest loss may push tree-dependent marbled cats into threatened category

Indonesia and Malaysia assail new EU ban on ‘dirty commodities’ trade

Indonesia’s biofuel push must go beyond palm oil to reduce risk, experts say

Indonesia prosecutors decry ‘lenient’ sentences in palm oil corruption case

For Indonesian smallholders, EU deforestation rule is a threat — and an opportunity

Video: In Brazil’s Amazon, Quilombolas fight major palm oil firm for access to cemeteries

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