Oceans News

2704 stories

Bacteria’s combined weight exceeds that of all fish in world’s oceans

Dubai’s artificial islands have high environmental cost

Summit explores how fish could feed Africa

Humpback whale tracked migrating between ocean basins

Gulf dead zone larger than expected

All albatrosses dead in transoceanic race

In Fiji locals grow “live rock” for aquarium trade with university help

Polynesians came from Taiwan says new study

Madagascar hopes movie will boost tourism and economy

Protectors of wildlife in war-torn Congo recognized with new Award

Recordings of coral reef sounds attract fish

Free floating fishing nets kill marine mammals, turtles and sea birds

Where are the fish? Ocean fisheries in trouble

Okapi, other wildlife saved in the Congo by forest protector

Coral reefs survive tsunami relatively unscathed, report finds

Gulf dead zone may by increasing according to researchers

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