Ocean acidification News

134 stories

Electrochemical removal of ocean CO2 offers potential — and concerns

Coral reefs could survive climate change, but in altered state, study says

Inaugural Planetary Health Check finds ocean acidification on the brink

As waterbodies lose oxygen, are we breaching a potential planetary boundary?

‘Our life support system is at risk’: Interview with ‘Her Deepness’ Sylvia Earle

Is ocean iron fertilization back from the dead as a CO₂ removal tool?

The endless struggle to clean up Rio de Janeiro’s highly polluted Guanabara Bay

Clean me a river: Southeast Asia chokes on Mekong plastic pollution

Re-carbonizing the sea: Scientists to start testing a big ocean carbon idea

Hunting for future-proof marine plants in the acidic waters bathing a volcano

Melting ice created the perfect storm for a rapidly acidifying Arctic Ocean

Arctic sea ice loss to increase strong El Niño events linked to extreme weather: Study

‘One more thing’ about plastics: They could be acidifying the ocean, study says

Acid test: Are the world’s oceans becoming too ‘acidic’ to support life?

In Japanese waters, a newly described anemone lives on the back of a hermit crab

‘The return of land to Indigenous people is key’: Q&A with Shinnecock Kelp Farm’s Tela Troge

Efforts to dim Sun and cool Earth must be blocked, say scientists

In hot water: Ocean warming hits another record high on climate change

Climate philanthropy’s opportunity for impact: Q&A with Bridgespan’s Sonali Patel

The nine boundaries humanity must respect to keep the planet habitable

2020’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

For sustainable business, ‘planetary boundaries’ define the new rules

They outlived dinosaurs, but can glass sponge reefs survive man-made warming?

Ocean deoxygenation could be silently killing coral reefs, scientists say

2019’s top 10 ocean news stories (commentary)

Protecting living corals could help defend the Great Barrier Reef from ocean acidification for decades

Small-scale women seaweed farmers ride the rough tides of climate change

Ocean acidification could impact Atlantic cod populations more severely than previously thought

Ocean warming projected to accelerate more than four-fold over next 60 years: Study

2018’s top 10 ocean news stories (commentary)

High sea levels thousands of years ago aided island formation

The Great Barrier Reef is losing its ability to bounce back from disturbances

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