Obituary News

34 stories

Randy Borman (1955-2025): An unlikely guardian of the Amazon rainforest

Carbon exchange leader and sustainability advocate Mikkel Larsen dies at 50

Conservationists and nature defenders who died in 2024

The life and legacy of Ryan Killackey, the filmmaker who rallied international support for Yasuni (Obituary)

Peter Dykstra, award-winning environmental journalist, died at 67

Indigenous leader Danilo Villafañe dies at 49 in trying to save drowning women in Colombia

Indonesia remembers Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, rare policymaker who stood for nature

Gordon Moore, tech legend and conservation philanthropist, has died at 94

Sumatran conservationist Rahmad Saleh Simbolon dies at 47

Aziil Anwar, Indonesian coral-based mangrove grower, dies at 64

Exploring the deep wildlife photography legacy of Bruce Kekule (commentary)

Sabino Gualinga, Amazon shaman and defender of the ‘living forest,’ passes away

Elephant protector and fossil hunter Richard Leakey leaves outsized legacy in Kenya

E.O. Wilson’s last dream

Conservation deaths in 2021

Edward O. Wilson, prominent biologist and author, has died at 92

Tom Lovejoy, prominent conservation biologist, dies at 80

Reveling in complexity: Remembering a man who ‘truly lived’ conservation (commentary)

Notable deaths in conservation in 2020

COVID is killing Indigenous leaders (commentary)

Madagascar remembers Guy Suzon Ramangason, a champion of protected areas

Marcellus Adi Riyanto: The Indonesian vet who lived for the Sumatran rhino

Legendary entomologist Terry Erwin passes away at age 79

Indonesian environmental poet and Dayak leader Yohanes Terang, 1956-2020

Tribute to Garth Owen-Smith, African conservationist (commentary)

Indonesian investigative reporter and journalism advocate Tommy Apriando, 1989-2020

Conservation biologist and wildtech journalist Sue Palminteri, 1965-2019

Wild Kingdom’s Jim Fowler has died

Trapper, turned conservationist: Bill Wood (obituary)

Alan Rabinowitz, big cat evangelist and voice of the wild, dies at 64

Conservation biology loses a leader: Navjot Sodhi, 1962-2011

Climate change claims a snail

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