Ngos News

175 stories

Allegations of displacement, violence beleaguer Kenyan conservancy NGO

For South Africa’s dwindling renosterveld, there’s now a ‘panic button’ app

Details emerge around closed-door carbon deal in Malaysian Borneo

Indigenous people get less than 1% of climate funding? It’s actually worse (commentary)

For Kenyan farmers, organic fertilizer bokashi brings the land back to life

In rural Nigeria, the magic of cinema builds support for ape conservation

WWF distances itself from rights abuses at U.S. congressional hearing

Hundreds of NGOs sign open letter calling to halt “illegal activities” in DRC’s protected areas

Ugandan activists’ arrest slammed as threat to space for rights defenders

Deforestation threatens tree kangaroo habitat in Papua New Guinea

Donor agencies should ditch the club and embrace more locals (commentary)

Razan Al Mubarak becomes first woman from the Arab world to head IUCN

How to find the right NGO partner without shooting yourself in the foot (commentary)

Study shows how sustainable livelihood programs for Indonesian fishers can succeed

Convergence, community and justice: Key emerging conservation trends of the pandemic era (commentary)

Road construction imperils tree kangaroo recovery in PNG

Science refutes United Cacao’s claim it didn’t deforest Peruvian Amazon

Saving our ‘Beloved Beasts’: Q&A with environmental journalist Michelle Nijhuis

Can ‘Slow Food’ save Brazil’s fast-vanishing Cerrado savanna?

Nearly half the Amazon’s intact forest on Indigenous-held lands: Report

Pension and endowment funds linked to conflict-plagued oil palm in DRC

Organizations aim to block funds for East African oil pipeline

“Securing Indigenous guardianship of vital ecosystems”: Q&A with Nia Tero CEO Peter Seligmann

‘Everything on this planet is connected’: Q&A with WWF’s Marco Lambertini

Indigenous community wins recognition of its land rights in Panama

‘What’s at stake is the life of every being’: Saving the Brazilian Cerrado

Seven financial firms key to rooting out deforestation, report finds

Timber organization’s backing ‘one step’ toward ‘peace park’ in Borneo

Restaura Cerrado: Saving Brazil’s savanna by reseeding and restoring it

Hope and peace: Bison return to the Rosebud reservation

Crimefighting NGO tracks Brazil wildlife trade on WhatsApp and Facebook

Deadly anniversary: Rio Doce, Brazil’s worst environmental disaster, 5 years on

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