Marine protected areas News

388 stories

Any illegal fishing going on around here? Ask an albatross

Key cetacean site in Philippines sees drop in dolphin, whale sightings

Science-backed policy boosts critically endangered Nassau grouper

2019’s top 10 ocean news stories (commentary)

Vanishing sea ice in the Arctic could shake up seabird migrations

Nearly extinct vaquita mothers with calves spotted in recent expeditions

In Indonesian waters, filter feeders can ingest dozens to hundreds of microplastic particles every hour

Can a national management plan halt Madagascar’s shark decline?

’Rampant’ fishing continues as vaquita numbers dwindle

Commitments worth $63 billion pledged for ocean protection

Study finds massive reorganization of life across Earth’s ecosystems

Cook Islands MPA leader fired after supporting seabed mining freeze

Give it back to the gods: Reviving Māori tradition to protect marine life

Paradise, polluted: Cook Islands tries to clean up its tourism sector

Will a massive marine protected area safeguard Cook Islands’ ocean?

Massive protected area around ‘Atlantic Galapagos’ one step closer to becoming reality

Stunning new wrasse species underlines need to protect deeper-lying reefs

Reef fish are faring fine in eastern Indonesia, study suggests

A Philippine community that once ate giant clams now works to protect them

Information is key – but lacking for sharks and rays in the Western Indian Ocean (commentary)

Ocean currents spin a web of interconnected fisheries around the world

Altered fish communities persist long after reefs bleach, study finds

Brazil green-lights oil prospecting near important marine park

Study suggests MPAs and fisheries closures can benefit highly migratory marine species

The health of penguin chicks points scientists to changes in the ocean

’Unprecedented’ loss of biodiversity threatens humanity, report finds

Radio drama encourages Belizean fishers to follow the rules

Building the world’s biggest MPA: Q&A with Goldman winner Jacqueline Evans

Meet the winners of the 2019 Goldman Environmental Prize

Weak governance undermines South America’s ocean ecosystems

New paper proposes a science-based ‘Global Deal for Nature’

Swelling amount of plastic in the ocean confirmed by new study

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