Laos News

81 stories

Rainbow-headed snake, rare wild banana among 163 new species discovered in Greater Mekong region: WWF

A dam shame: the plight of the Mekong giant catfish

Only 3 Irrawaddy dolphins remain in Laos

Vietnam sweats bullets as China and Laos dam the Mekong

Disappearing Gardeners: thoughts on the Laotian elephant crisis

Lao PDR commits to shut its commercial tiger farms

Lao PDR failing to curb pangolin and hornbill trafficking: new reports

Corruption is driving unsustainable, illegal rosewood trade in Cambodia and Laos: Report

Pathogens ‘lurking’ in Lao PDR’s wildlife markets can lead to emergence of zoonotic diseases

Laos could be the ‘most important’ home for the elusive Owston’s civet

Getting SMART about Wildlife Crime

It’s World Pangolin Day again. What can you do to help?

Countries call for new CITES protections for rosewood species

Leaked report reveals massive illegal logging in Laos

Partnerships are key to The Wildlife Conservation Society’s new conservation strategy

Rainforest loss increased in the 2000s, concludes new analysis

Lady Gaga gets bitten by venomous primate, sparking outrage over loris trafficking

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