Iran News

17 stories

Final cheetah conservationists freed in Iran, but the big cat’s outlook remains grim

Protect Persian leopards, and their defenders, for World Environment Day (commentary)

Reptile traffickers trawl scientific literature, target newly described species

Iran upholds heavy sentences for conservationists convicted of spying

Iran sentences eight conservationists convicted of spying

Iran’s endangered cheetahs and imperiled conservationists (commentary)

Five wildlife conservationists held by Iran could face the death penalty

Conservationist, imprisoned for ‘spying’ with wildlife camera traps, dies in Iranian prison

Cheetah populations crash as fastest-animal disappears from 91% of its range

Three murders highlight troubles of Iran’s park rangers

2015 Equator Prize winners span 19 countries

Asiatic cheetahs: on the road to extinction?

Animal picture of the day: rare image of Asiatic cheetah and cubs

World nations see six all-time record high temperatures, no lows so far in 2011

Half a trillion spent on fossil fuel subsidies mostly “a complete waste of money”

Forgotten Species: the fiery Luristan Newt

Cheetah population stabilizes in Namibia with support from farmers

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