Indonesia News

3843 stories

Poverty and corruption reduce effectiveness of rainforest parks

Environmentalists winning fight against illegal ramin timber trade

Rare three-legged tiger photographed in Sumatra

Rare and mysterious forests of Sulawesi 80% gone

70% of Indonesia’s mangrove forests damaged

Indonesia pledges to cut haze-causing fires by half

World Bank to raise $250M for avoided deforestation in tropics

Cuddly primate trade banned

98% of orangutan habitat gone in next 15 years

Chinese demand drives global deforestation

Rare kangaroos released into New Guinea rainforest

Indonesia: No more rainforest clearing for palm oil

Indonesia could earn $100-$180 million from carbon trading

Experts: Borneo in urgent need of protection

Environmental concerns mount as palm oil production grows

Cuddly slow loris threatened by the pet trade

Massive oil palm expansion planned by Indonesia’s richest man

Peatlands store 100 years of CO2 emissions

Indonesia may import timber due to supply shortage

Indonesia will plant 2 billion trees in 2007

Indonesia to be recognized in Guinness Book of World Records for deforestation rate

Climate change may decimate Indonesia’s food supplies, worsen fires

Dutch plan restricts biofuels that damage environment

Dutch will demand rainforest-friendly palm oil

Indonesia’s Aceh, Papua pledge to protect forests

Indonesia urges rich countries to ban illegally logged wood products

Scientists capture video of rare Borneo rhino

Deforestation in Borneo worsened by European colonization

How to stop haze and forest fires in Indonesia

Indonesia seeks to increase deforestation rate, already world’s highest

Indonesia and Australia sign deforestation pact

Photos of world’s largest, rarest Easter bunny found in Sumatra

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