Indonesia News

3787 stories

Borneo and Sumatra burn as forest fires rage

Orangutan population plunges 43% in Indonesia

Tsunami reconstruction drives illegal logging in Indonesia

U.S. supports “Heart of Borneo” conservation initiative

Saving Orangutans in Borneo

Indonesia to have first biodiesel plant by 2008

Shippers in Indonesia fight decree on illegal logging

Pacific wind pattern driving el Nino slows due to global warming

China’s Olmypics may destroy New Guinea’s rainforests

Cure for cancer, AIDS may be lost with Borneo’s forests says WWF

Why is palm oil replacing tropical rainforests?

United States and Indonesia to fight illegal logging

Borneo rainforest protected, oil palm plantation canceled

Home Depot, Lowe’s selling illegal wood from Papua New Guinea-Report

Pictures of new species discovered in New Guinea

Scientists discover dozens of new species in New Guinea

Picture of the world’s smallest fish

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction

Dancing monkeys could be a risk to your health

Nigeria has worst deforestation rate, FAO revises figures

World deforestation rates and forest cover statistics, 2000-2005

Malaysia urges neighbors to help prevent haze

Tsunami boosts rice yields, agriculture in Aceh province

Domestic black market for endangered wildlife thrives in Indonesia

Fires in peat lands cost climate

Forest fires have serious economic and health consequences warns FAO

Illegal loggers to be imprisoned in Malaysia, possibly executed in Indonesia

China funds massive palm oil plantation in rainforest of Borneo

Haze in Malaysia worsens, may last until October

Indonesian forest fires again cause haze in Malaysia

Corporations among largest global economic enterprises

New monkey virus infects human; jumps species barrier

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