Global trade News

181 stories

Amazon soy boom poses urgent existential threat to landless movement

In the belly of the beast: journalist delves into wildlife trafficking

Deforestation-linked palm oil still finding its way into top consumer brands: report

Traditional groups sowing sustainable crops could save Venezuelan park

Slave labor found at Starbucks-certified Brazil coffee plantation tracks commodities, links supply chains to deforestation risk

‘Single-minded determination’: China’s global infrastructure spree rings alarm bells

China’s Belt and Road poised to transform the Earth, but at what cost?

A wish list for an environmentally friendly NAFTA

Outrage and conspiracy claims as Indonesia, Malaysia react to EU ban on palm oil in biofuels

IUCN, UN, global NGOs, likely to see major budget cuts under Trump

EU-LatAm trade deal good for agribusiness; bad for Amazon, climate – analysis

Latin America-Europe trade pact to include historic indigenous rights clause

Unfair trade: US beef has a climate problem

CETA: environmentally friendly trade treaty or corporate Trojan horse?

Leaked terms of huge EU-Japan trade deal spark environmental alarm

Trade just as important to ensure food security as healthy fisheries (commentary)

Proposed Trump policy threatens Critically Endangered Grauer’s gorilla

Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2016

Global trade 101: How NAFTA’s Chapter 11 overrides environmental laws

Leaked docs reveal TTIP unfriendly to environment, consumers, democracy

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