Environmental politics News

2761 stories

Could peatlands conservation be more profitable than palm oil?

Court rebukes Bush Administration on global warming report

Land reform agency sanctions logging in Amazon rainforest park

Biofuels driving destruction of Brazilian cerrado

NASA admits to error in global warming data

Low deforestation countries to see least benefit from carbon trading

Scientists: Newsweek Erred in Global Warming Coverage

Controversy over flawed NASA climate data changes little

European heat waves double in length since 1880

Corn ethanol is not the solution to energy independence

Fines on bycatch could help make conservation groups, industry accountable

Florida to cut greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2050

US says Brazilian ethanol doesn’t increase food prices, destroy Amazon rainforest

How to save the world’s oceans from overfishing

Fuel efficiency boost wins unanimous Senate support

Japan and Iceland defeated on pro-whaling initiative

Nobel prize winner debates future of nuclear power

U.S. refuses to talk global warming cuts at G8 summit

China Unveils Global Warming Initiative

Bush unveils global warming strategy

U.S. responsible for 44% of global warming bill-Oxfam

Uganda abandons rainforest logging for palm oil

Extortion or global warming mitigation?

NASA issues guide on global warming

Improving energy efficiency will require overcoming market distortions

Ancient Amazonian technology could save the world

Calpine may benefit from global warming limits

California sues Bush administration over fuel standards

Reps Lott and Stevens oppose fuel efficiency bill

Peatlands store 100 years of CO2 emissions

Better forest policies would reduce illegal logging in the Amazon

Cost of stabilizing climate 0.1% per year

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