Editorials News

456 stories

Scaling up the Amazon’s many bioeconomies requires investment in nature, prosperity, and inclusion (commentary)

Conservation pays and everyone’s benefitting from it (commentary)

“Game over” for the Amazon forest and global climate if Trump wins? (commentary)

Climate surprises: Amazonia and the lessons of Brazil’s catastrophic flood in Rio Grande do Sul (commentary)

Brazil’s BR-319 Highway: The latest maneuver to obtain approval for an environmental disaster (commentary)

Governments are ramping up actions to fight environmental crime across the Amazon, but is it working? (commentary)

New technologies to map environmental crime in the Amazon Basin (commentary)

Mongabay Data Studio: Revealing nature’s hidden stories through data (commentary)

Brazil’s BR-319 highway: The danger reaches a critical moment (commentary)

Brazil’s 2024-2027 “Transversal Environmental Agenda”: The elephants in the room (commentary)

Amazonia in flames: Unlearned lessons from the 2023 Manaus smoke crisis (commentary)

A decade of stopping deforestation: How the palm oil industry did the seemingly impossible (commentary)

Race to destroy the Amazon forest: Brazil’s National Congress set to force construction of Highway BR-319 (commentary)

Brazil’s “End-of-the-World” auction for oil and gas drilling (commentary)

What Brazil should have said at COP28 but didn’t (commentary)

Biden can tip the (pangolin) scales on China’s illegal wildlife trade (commentary)

Jurisdictional REDD+ ready to fund forest-positive, socially-inclusive development in the Amazon and beyond (commentary)

Journalism’s role in the Nature Crime Alliance (commentary)

Why should funding Amazon forest sustainability be the world’s top priority? (commentary)

Despite landmark law, Europe faces tough test to end role in global forest loss (commentary)

Mobilizing Amazon societies to reduce forest carbon emissions and unlock the carbon market (commentary)

Agroecology is a poverty solution in Haiti (commentary)

Biodiversity credits: An opportunity to create a new financing framework (commentary)

Biden-Lula meeting: The time is right for U.S. and Brazil to work together for Amazonia (commentary)

Emmanuel Macron’s “Biodiversity Credits”: What are we talking about? (commentary)

Drive for restoration and remedy behind some NGOs’ cautious support for FSC changes (commentary)

How bears “make” a forest (commentary)

Amazon cloud forests need protection (commentary)

From agribusiness to oil to nuclear power and submarines: welcome to anti-environmental Putin-Bolsonaro alliance (commentary)

Peru’s Amazon rainforest is threatened by an ecosystem of environment crime (commentary)

Helping empower the next generation of environmental journalists at Nature’s frontline

The war on journalists and environmental defenders in the Amazon continues (commentary)

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