Ecology News

987 stories

Insects worth $57 billion to US economy

Lack of oxygen triggers sex imbalance in fish

Is climate change worsening malaria?

Amazon rainforest grows fastest during dry season

Medicinal value of chocolate explored by scientists

Mother nature encourages diversity in rainforest trees

China and India Key to Ecological Future of the World, Says Report

Tsunami relief risks rainforest destruction

Some Amazon rainforest trees are over 1000 years old finds study

Temperate forests may worsen global warming, tropical forests fight higher temperatures

Scientists taking a multidisciplinary approach to understanding nature

Study uncovers how thousands of tree species coexist in rain forest

Bird songs can serve as a warning system to detect ecological disturbances

Logging impact worse than thought in the Amazon

Invasive species may increase with global warming

Link between ecosystems uncovered as fish in ponds help flowering plants

Birds and Bats Responsible for Seed Dispersal in Tropical Forests

Hurricane Katrina damage just a dose of what’s to come

Builder of rainforest canopy walkways believes conservation can be profitable

After Empowering ecologists with informatics education and training

After Chernobyl accident wildlife flourishes

We are trading short-term food production for long-term environmental losses

Lemur hunting persists in Madagascar, rare primates fall victim to hunger

Rainforest information site for school kids launched

Should environmentalists fear logging or learn to understand its impact?

For What It’s Worth: Ecological Services and conservation

Kalimantan at the Crossroads: Dipterocarp Forests and the Future of Indonesian Borneo

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