Data News

139 stories

For conservationists, crowdfunding sites raise both funds and awareness

Top camera trapping stories of 2018

10 ways conservation tech shifted into auto in 2018

Photos highlight evolving roles of AI, citizen science in species research

Satellite trackers help fight vultures’ extinction in southern Africa

A monitoring network in the Amazon captures a flood of data

How porpoise sounds helped researchers test acoustic devices

Stay or go? Understanding a partial seasonal elephant migration

The iNaturalist species data sharing platform reaches one million users

Decoding the language of bats key to their conservation

Managing the data deluge: Twitter as a tool for ecological research

Tagging and tracking the Tour de Turtles

REDD+ projects database: where forest carbon emissions reduction projects are underway

Online citizen science data platforms help scientists predict species ranges

Researchers weed out a way to identify plants using environmental DNA

Fire, more than logging, drives Amazon forest degradation, study finds

Automating drone-based wildlife surveys saves time and money, study finds

Southeast Asian deforestation more extensive than thought, study finds

Citizen science makes easy work of penguin time-lapse image bounty

Let there be light — but be mindful of the wildlife

Cool birds don’t sing: Study automates acoustic monitoring of songbird migration

New study provides blueprint to translate satellite data into conservation action

Species recognition shifts into auto with neural networks

Global Forest Watch offers mapping and data visualization fellowships

Scientists tackling conservation problems turn to artificial intelligence

Online network seeks to boost international collaboration against wildlife trafficking in Central Africa

Kenyan reserve’s tourism monitoring app builds revenue and transparency

One-stop shop for digital global maps launched

Cities worldwide use photo app technology to compete in nature observation challenge

From galaxies far, far away to endangered species just over the hill

Radar returns to remote sensing through free, near-real-time global imagery

Where does your timber come from? Genetic analysis may soon tell you

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