Data News

142 stories

Scientists’ secret weapon to monitor the Southern Ocean? Elephant seals

As its end looms, Cerrado tracker records 6-year deforestation high

Cattle boom in Brazil’s Acre spells doom for Amazon rainforest, activists warn

For South Africa’s dwindling renosterveld, there’s now a ‘panic button’ app

In Peru’s Amazon, deforestation and crime sweep through Indigenous communities

More than 250 major fires detected in the Amazon this year, despite Brazil’s ban

How to make conservation more effective: Q&A with Nick Salafsky

Fire season intensifies in the Brazilian Amazon, feeding off deforestation

Climate change isn’t fueling algal blooms the way we think, study shows

Final court ruling orders Indonesian government to publish plantation data

New areas of primary forest cleared in Brazil’s ‘lawless’ Lábrea

CSI, but for parrots: Study applies criminological tool CRAAVED to wildlife trade

The Brazilian Amazon is burning, again

An engaged society is key for the future of African conservation, says WWF Africa’s Alice Ruhweza

Exposing organized crime in the Amazon: Q&A with Robert Muggah of the Igarapé Institute

A hi-tech eye in the sky lays bare Hawaiʻi’s living coral reefs

New evidence suggests China’s ‘dark’ vessels poached in Galápagos waters

In a drier Amazon, small farmers and researchers work together to reduce fire damage

Brazil moves toward transfer of deforestation and fire monitoring to military

Game changer: NASA data tool could revolutionize Amazon fire analysis

More than 500 dams planned inside protected areas: Study

Photos show scale of massive fires tearing through Siberian forests

Game changer? Antarctic ice melt related to tropical weather shifts: Study

Melting Arctic sea ice may be altering winds, weather at equator: study

Malaysia to let RSPO publish oil palm concession maps

LIDAR technology leads Brazilian team to 30 story tall Amazon tree

Venezuelan crisis: Government censors environmental and scientific data

Misuse of wildlife trade data jeopardizes efforts to protect species and combat trafficking (commentary)

New report reveals northern Ecuadorian region has lost 61 percent of forests

Sea Around Us: Global fisheries data and the goose that laid the golden egg (commentary)

A response to “On public interest in conservation and internet data”

Researchers and customs officials unite to fight wildlife trafficking using eDNA

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