China News

864 stories

Scales from around 50,000 pangolins seized by Chinese customs

COP25: Self-serving G20 spites youth, humanity, world at climate talks

Analysis: Floating solar power along the dammed-up Mekong River

Beneficial and harmful fungi are at the root of forest diversity

China’s wénwan drives a deadly mix-and-match of endangered wildlife

Newly described Chinese giant salamander may be world’s largest amphibian

New species of giant flying squirrel brings hope to one of the world’s ‘most wanted’

‘Not a pretty picture’: South China’s forests vanish as tree farms move in

Companies sourcing beef, leather from China exposed to Brazil deforestation risk, researchers say

Indonesia eyes palm oil export boost to China amid mounting U.S. trade war

Wild orchid trade in China is huge, overlooked and ‘devastating,’ study finds

Big cat trade driven by demand for traditional Asian medicine, according to report

Some turtle embryos can influence their own sex, study finds

Where did the birds go?: Q&A with river tern researcher Bosco Chan

Ocean currents spin a web of interconnected fisheries around the world

Chinese banks risk supporting soy-related deforestation, report finds

Laurel Chor on photojournalism and Hong Kong’s ‘incredible biodiversity’

Survey: Less coal, more solar, say citizens of Belt & Road countries

China seizes over 2,700 elephant tusks in massive bust

Last known female Yangtze giant softshell turtle dies in China

Putting policy into practice to clean up South Asia’s dirty air (commentary)

Study maps where tunas, sharks and fishing ships meet

Seahorse trade continues despite export bans, study finds

Vaquita still doomed without further disruption of totoaba cartels (commentary)

The view from the bottleneck: Is nature poised for a big comeback?

China’s Belt and Road Initiative could increase alien species invasion

China busts major ivory trafficking gang following EIA investigation

Top camera trapping stories of 2018

China seizes totoaba swim bladders worth $26 million, arrests 16

Mosses could help rapidly detect pollution

In the belly of the beast: journalist delves into wildlife trafficking

China restores ban on rhino and tiger parts, for now

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