China wildlife trade News

102 stories

‘Saving sun bears’: Q&A with book author Sarah Pye

Did China really ban the pangolin trade? Not quite, investigators say

‘It’s a success’: Pangolins return to a region where they were once extinct

Banned: No more pangolin scales in traditional medicine, China declares

Vietnam wildlife trade ban appears to flounder amid coronavirus success

China offers buyouts to wildlife farmers in response to pandemic

Jane Goodall: COVID-19 is a product of our unhealthy relationship with animals and the environment (commentary)

As calls to shutter wildlife markets grow, China struggles with an industry worth billions

What’s in a name? ‘Wet markets’ may hide true culprits for COVID-19

China releases list of animals to be farmed after COVID-19

Chinese ban on eating wild animals likely to become law: Q&A with WCS’s Aili Kang

Chinese government reportedly recommending bear bile injections to treat coronavirus

Vietnam considers wildlife trade ban in response to coronavirus pandemic

Conservationists set the record straight on COVID-19’s wildlife links

Coronavirus outbreak may spur Southeast Asian action on wildlife trafficking

China beefs up wildlife trade ban as COVID-19 outbreak intensifies

Illegal pangolin trade may have played a part in coronavirus outbreak

The wildlife trade threatens people and animals alike (commentary)

Conservationists welcome China’s wildlife trade ban

Time is running out for Southeast Asia

Nearly extinct vaquita mothers with calves spotted in recent expeditions

Pangolins are a victim of political instability in South Sudan

Ayahuasca tourism an overlooked driver of trade in jaguar body parts, researchers say

’Rampant’ fishing continues as vaquita numbers dwindle

How Laos lost its tigers

International wildlife trade sweeps across ‘tree of life,’ study finds

New film details wrenching impact of illegal rhino horn trade on families

Conservation groups concerned as WHO recognizes traditional Chinese medicine

Kenya on the brink of acquitting ivory trafficker number four (commentary)

In the belly of the beast: journalist delves into wildlife trafficking

Progress on jaguar conservation in Suriname

Thousands of radiated tortoises seized from traffickers in Madagascar

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