Bolivia News

390 stories

Latam Eco Review: Killing jaguars for arthritis creams and wine

Latam Eco Review: Wandering hippos, condor central, and the macaw trade

Environmental delegation blocked from entering Bolivian national park

Bolivian coca crops follow a planned highway through indigenous lands

Latam Eco Review: Millennial trees and Pacific coral larvae

Hunting, agriculture driving rapid decline of jaguars in South America’s Gran Chaco

Latam Eco Review: Black market jaguars, freed green macaws

Latam Eco Review: Salmon escape, jungle drones, and a new biosphere reserve

Latam Eco Review: Industrial fishing in the Galapagos, fracking Colombian cloud forests, whale sharks in Peru

Latam Eco Review: Land trafficking in Lima’s hill ecosystems, oil spills in Venezuela, floods in Colombia

Latam Eco Review: Hunger for wildlife, mercury rising, and a black jaguar sighting

South American soy fed to EU livestock drives Gran Chaco deforestation

Latam Eco Review: Turtles at risk, jungle fracking, and a mafia land grab

Latam Eco Review: Harlequin frogs, sustainable ranching, and miracle coral

Chinese / Western financing of roads, dams led to major Andes Amazon deforestation

Latam Eco Review: Witchcraft and wildlife trafficking in Peru

Latam Eco Review: Ecuadoran court demands Chevron pay $9.5 billion in damages

Latam Eco Review: Spectacled bears in the spotlight

Latam Eco Review: Five newly described snakes named by auction in Ecuador

Latam Eco Review: More than 100 new species in Bolivian park

Bolivia’s Madidi National Park home to world’s largest array of land life, survey finds

Latam Eco Review: Peru’s first environmental court

Latam Eco review: An Andean condor chooses her own protected area in Ecuador

Latam Eco Review: Respected ancestral healer murdered in Peru

Conservationists rush to save Bolivian turtles threatened by egg trafficking

Andes dams twice as numerous as thought are fragmenting the Amazon

Amazon rainforest hit by surge in small-scale deforestation, study finds

Fang trafficking to China is putting Bolivia’s jaguars in jeopardy

Scientists determine there are seven species of silky anteater, not one

Storytelling empowers indigenous people to conserve their environments

Booming legal Amazon wildlife trade documented in new report

Amazon deforestation linked to McDonald’s and British retail giants

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