Biodiesel News

139 stories

Sustainability mandated for biofuels used in the EU

Palm oil industry prepares green initiative to counter criticism

U.S. biofuels policy drives deforestation in Indonesia, the Amazon

DR Congo has great potential for biofuels says U.N. official

Orangutan should become symbol of palm-oil opposition

New process turns chicken fat into biodiesel

Palm oil is a net source of CO2 emissions when produced on peatlands

Cooking oil, palm oil biodiesel can reduce emissions relative to diesel

UN says palm oil destroys forests, indigenous cultures in Indonesia, Malaysia

Dutch: no subsidies for biofuels-driven rainforest destruction

Does palm oil alleviate rural poverty in Malaysia?

Biodiesel demand could destroy world’s forests

Environmentalists and palm oil producers should work together

China urged to join sustainable soy efforts in the Amazon

Investigation finds evidence of Borneo forest clearing for palm oil

Guidelines to ensure biofuels production won’t hurt the environment

How private equity can profit from carbon offsets in Indonesia

NGOs should use palm oil to drive conservation

Indonesia’s peatlands may offer U.S. firms global warming offsets

With Corn ethanol more costly than oil, is Jatropha a better biofuel?

Could peatlands conservation be more profitable than palm oil?

Biofuels driving destruction of Brazilian cerrado

conservation more effective than biofuels for fighting global warming

Is peat swamp worth more than palm oil plantations?

McDonald’s bolsters eco credentials with recycled biodiesel

98% of orangutan habitat gone in next 15 years

Can cattle ranchers and soy farmers save the Amazon?

Indonesia: No more rainforest clearing for palm oil

Globalization could save the Amazon rainforest

EU will demand sustainable biofuel production

Environmental concerns mount as palm oil production grows

UN warns on dangers of bioenergy

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