Apes News

630 stories

Chimps remember, for years, the location of ant nests that provide food

Increase in gibbon trafficking into India has conservationists worried

Coming to a retailer near you: Illegal palm oil from an orangutan haven

Elephants, gorillas and chimps hold out in Cameroon’s largest protected landscape

Indonesian company defies order, plants acacia in orangutan habitat

Armed conflict, not Batwa people, at heart of Grauer’s gorillas’ past decline in DRC park

Monitoring group cracks down on deforestation in Cameroon gorilla sanctuary

Illegal gold mining drives deforestation in DRC reserve home to ‘African unicorn’

A Nigerian reserve, once a stronghold for chimps, is steadily losing its forest to farming

Gibbons found to perform dance routines akin to ‘the robot,’ but why?

Study finds bonobos more diverse, and more vulnerable, than previously thought

Conservationists mobilize to save Sierra Leone national park and its chimpanzees

Canopy bridges serve a lifeline for Sumatra’s tree-dwelling primates

Orangutan conservation and communication: Gary Shapiro’s half-century journey from zoos to the wilds of Borneo

Indigenous knowledge proves key in a study of plants gorillas use to self-medicate

From selfies to treetops: Thai NGOs rescue and release captive gibbons

Chatterbox chimps converse just like humans (but with more gestures)

Africa’s great ape sanctuaries are feeling the heat from climate change

Sick chimps seek out medicinal plants to heal themselves, study finds

Hold my ointment: Wild orangutan observed healing wound with medicinal plant

Chimps are lifelong learners, study on tool use shows

Indonesian company defies order, still clearing peatlands in orangutan habitat

Indonesian capital project finally gets guidelines to avoid harm to biodiversity

Sierra Leone cacao project boosts livelihoods and buffers biodiversity

Bonobos, the ‘hippy apes’, may not be as peaceful as once thought

Report links pulpwood estate clearing Bornean orangutan habitat to RGE Group

Smaller population estimate underscores urgency of saving Cao-vit gibbon

Palm oil deforestation persists in Indonesia’s Leuser amid new mills, plantations

Norway pension fund breaks with U.K. conglomerate Jardines over endangered orangutan habitat

Indonesian gold mine expanding in ‘wrong direction’ into orangutan habitat

No joking: Great apes can be silly and playfully tease each other, finds study

Impunity for Cambodia’s exotic pet owners as trade outpaces legislation

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