Animal tracking News

64 stories

Whale of a find: Scientists spot beaked whale believed to be a new species

The Amazon’s short-eared dog was thought to be a scavenger. Now there’s video

A warming Arctic is changing animal migrations, decades of tracking shows

Video: Vets hail ‘victory’ as jaguar burned in Pantanal fires returns to wild

The other Corona: Rescued pangolin is a rehabilitation success story

Sea turtles often lose their way, but always reach their destination

‘It’s a success’: Pangolins return to a region where they were once extinct

Baby humpback whales bulk up in Hawaii ahead of migration [VIDEO]

Does Lucius Fox know? Tiny tech tracks bats (and more)

Mug shots and public pics join the dots of whale sharks’ Southeast Asian trips

Coronavirus outbreak may spur Southeast Asian action on wildlife trafficking

For tiger moms, the work-life balance struggle is real, study finds

Protected areas best conserve mammalian diversity when connected with corridors, biologged weasels show

Reducing human-elephant encounters with calls, texts, and digital signs

As animal tagging goes cutting-edge, ethical questions abound

A ‘FitBit for squid’ could help track the ocean’s squishier species

10 ways conservation tech shifted into auto in 2018

For the birds: Innovations enable tracking of even small flying animals

Filling in the gaps: Managing endangered species on the high seas

Tiny tags and a broad research network help track small animal movements

Animated animals: can games engage an audience with a conservation message?

Location, location, location goes high-tech: Facts and FAQs about satellite-based wildlife tracking

Howler monkeys booming in Belize sanctuary 25 years after translocation

The week in environmental news – April 22, 2016

A sex change phenomenon in fish suggests there is something in the water

Scientists try hair traps to track tropical carnivores

Scientists launch global shark and ray census

The wild side of Peru gets an imaging makeover

Scientists turn to DNA from Sumatran elephant dung to aid conservation

Identifying and counting the wild orangutans of Borneo

Rare spotted leopards sighted on Malaysian Peninsula

Advanced Animal Tracker Helps To Explain Big Cat’s Hunting Strategy

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