Amazon destruction News

1147 stories

In Amazon’s tri-border Javari region, teens fall prey to drug gangs’ lure

Global markets and their effects on resource exploitation in the Pan Amazon

Top brands buy Amazon carbon credits from suspected timber laundering scam

Bird populations are mysteriously declining at an Amazon park in Ecuador & beyond

Extractive industries look at degraded land to avoid further deforestation in the Pan Amazon

Indigenous leader’s killer is convicted in Brazil, but tensions over land remain

New ban threatens traditional fishers in Brazil’s Mato Grosso state

State management and regulation of extractive industries in the Pan Amazon

Goldman Prize honors Brazilian investigation linking JBS & deforestation

Deforestation haunts top Peruvian reserve and its Indigenous communities

Amid record-high fires across the Amazon, Brazil loses primary forests

A web of front people conceals environmental offenders in the Amazon

Brazil boosts protection of Amazon mangroves with new reserves in Pará state

Brazil’s illegal gold trade takes a hammering, but persists underground

Mining in the Pan Amazon in pursuit of the world’s most precious metal

Tropical forest loss puts 2030 zero-deforestation target further out of reach

Amazon prosecutors get sharper impact tool to charge illegal gold dealers

Mineral commodities: the wealth that generates most impacts in the Pan Amazon | Chapter 5 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

Lula’s deforestation goals threatened by frustrated environmental agents

Fanned by El Niño, megafires in Brazil threaten Amazon’s preserved areas

Reforestation and restoration: Two ways to make the Pan Amazon greener

Reconciling conservation agriculture and agroforestry for sustainability

Land irrigation as an obstacle to agricultural intensification in Mato Grosso

What is most convenient in land distribution?

In the Amazon, what happens to undesignated public lands?

Study points to which Amazon regions could reach tipping point & dry up

Ecuador, Colombia and the Guiana Shield join the planning of sustainable land use

Megafires are spreading in the Amazon — and they are here to stay

Low implementation of land use maps in Andean countries affects conservation outcomes and agricultural productivity

Land use planning helps advance conservation in Brazil

The creation of settlements in the Ecuadorian Amazon | Chapter 4 of “A Perfect Storm in the Amazon”

Report shows Peru failed to stop Amazon deforestation for palm oil and cacao

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