36 stories

Fear and conservation

Researchers catch, then release, world’s rarest big cat in Russia

Urban black bears live recklessly compared to their forest counterparts

Camera traps capture photos of predators in Myanmar

Long-term memory may help elephants adapt to climate change

Researchers evacuated due to polar bear trapped on land by melting sea ice

Conservation success story: birds stage dramatic recovery in Cambodia

Mercury from coal-burning hurts the common loon

Fewer wolves may mean fewer pronghorn in Yellowstone

Photo: Litter of naked mole rats born in time for Chinese New Year

Starfish invasion threatens world’s richest coral reefs

Traffic cones used to protect seabirds

conservationist Schaller named to Time’s ‘Hero of the Planet’

Bears pressured by development in the Canadian Rockies

Elephants get Photo IDs for Protection

conservationists team with justice dept to fingerprint carnivores

Tsunami-producing quake caused mass coral death in Indonesia

Herring fish restored to Bronx River in New York City

Biologists record call of rare Sumatran ground cuckoo for first time

Rare vulture colony found in Cambodia

Rare fish from Madagascar named after renowned ichthyologist

Population of bizarre Mongolian antelope plunges 95% in 15 years

Dolphin Slaughter Resumes in Japan

War-torn Congo Announces Two New Parks

Coral reef parks established by locals more effective than government reserves

Forest protection best way to control rats finds study

African carnivores under threat — top 20 at risk listed

Great White Shark swims 12,400 miles, shocks scientists

Gorillas use tools – photo documentation

Gabon sets aside 10 percent of country as protected parks

WCS supports new primate protection agreement

Albino giraffe spotted

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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