1781 stories

Public lands and parks are our common heritage: Bruce Babbitt

Colombia, ethnobotany, and America’s decline: An interview with Wade Davis

Data drives Bloomberg’s support for climate solutions, says Antha N. Williams

Putting sustainability at the center of business strategy: An interview with Paul Polman

The post-COVID opportunity for the environment: An interview with the GEF’s Carlos Manuel Rodriguez

Exploring the history of the Amazon and its peoples: an interview with John Hemming

Can public lands unify divided Americans? An interview with John Leshy

Why the health of the Amazon River matters to us all: An interview with Michael Goulding

New Guinea has the most plant species of any island

World Rainforest Day: The world’s great rainforests

14 straight months of rising Amazon deforestation in Brazil

Brazil revises deforestation data: Amazon rainforest loss topped 10,000 sq km in 2019

How much rainforest is being destroyed?

Amazon deforestation increases for 13th straight month in Brazil

Everything you need to know about the Amazon rainforest: an interview with Mark Plotkin

Bird’s eye view: Drone photos of the Amazon rainforest (insider)

Using satellites to alert an Amazonian indigenous community of coca encroachment (insider)

Despite COVID, Amazon deforestation races higher

Deforestation in Brazil continues torrid pace into 2020

Indonesian investigative reporter and journalism advocate Tommy Apriando, 1989-2020

Conservationists welcome China’s wildlife trade ban

For final months of 2019, Amazon deforestation hits highest level in at least 13 years

Pangolins top the charts while climate stories lag: Insights on our 2019 reporting (insider)

Our top nature drone photos of 2019 (Insider)

Rainforests in 2020: 10 things to watch

2019: The year rainforests burned

Tropical forests’ lost decade: the 2010s

Conservation biologist and wildtech journalist Sue Palminteri, 1965-2019

Amazon deforestation paces ahead of recent historical norm

$10M in prize money for mapping rainforest biodiversity

Amazon deforestation rises to 11 year high in Brazil

Mongabay at 20: Two decades of news and inspiration from nature’s frontline (commentary)

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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