19 stories

Fish return to Southern Brazil after trawling ban

Surge in deforestation as Brazil pushes to pave a forgotten Amazon road

Global demand for manganese puts Kayapó Indigenous land under pressure

Demand for soy puts pressure on Pantanal, Brazil’s largest wild wetland

Deforestation-free beef stymied by Brazil’s unequal supply chain

Investigation: Dutch, Japanese pension funds pay for Amazon deforestation

Stock indices let Brazil meatpackers shed ties to deforestation, draw investors

BlackRock’s $400m stake in Amazon meatpackers defies sustainability cred

Amazon meatpacking plants, a COVID-19 hotspot, may be ground zero for next pandemic

All talk, no walk: ‘Green’ financiers still support Amazon beef industry

Paper maze and lack of transparency cloak investment in companies involved in Amazon deforestation

Brazilian meatpacker expands with World Bank funding but fails to reduce impacts in the Amazon

World’s top tapir expert prepares for unprecedented Amazon mission

Brazilian taxpayers subsidizing Amazon-clearing cattle ranches, study shows

As bioethanol demand rises, biodiversity will fall in Cerrado, study says

$3 million and an official apology: Brazil’s Ashaninka get unprecedented compensation for deforestation on their land

Conflict in the Chico Mendes Reserve threatens this pioneering Amazonian project

In surprise move, Brazil has removed restrictions on Amazon sugarcane production

Brazilian state complicit in violence against forest defenders, report says

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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