173 stories

A four-year ox-cart ride around Madagascar: Q&A with Alexandre Poussin

Deforested areas bleed heat to nearby forests, drive local extinctions

Lions vs. porcupines: A thorny tale with a moral about man-eaters

A Malagasy community races the timber mafia to save its forest

Conservationists call for lasting ban on trade in Malagasy precious timber

It’s now or never for Madagascar’s biodiversity, experts say

An epic Pacific survey reveals mixed fortunes for green and hawksbill turtles

That Malagasy forest featured in Netflix’s ‘Our Planet’? It’s vanishing fast

Colorful display of newly described stick insects confounds scientists

Ice-free Alps? It could be a reality by 2100

Natural forests best bet for fighting climate change, analysis finds

Human population boom led to Madagascar’s megafauna extinction: Study

Sri Lanka set to become first nation to protect all mangroves

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