16 stories

Can new technologies help solve the mysteries of migration?

Bringing field surveys into the modern, mobile world

After Cecil: lion perturbation, conservation, and value to a global society

Tracking technologies help to identify key marine areas for basking sharks

Measuring the Heartbeat of the Delta

Tags that protect, as well as track, endangered carnivores

Gaining real-time information on wildlife health protects animals and people

Crime Scene Investigation Africa: Monitoring the illegal ivory trade with fingerprints

Technology for Restoring Wildlife to the Wild, Wild West

Saving the unicorns: using the sun to produce freshwater and restore an endangered species

Tiger Awareness Week hits college campuses: building student pride for an endangered apex predator

Sunrise to sunset: documenting warbler migrations with cheap, light geolocator tags

A big house on the prairie: assessing prairie dog colonies for black-footed ferret habitat

WCTC update: tech designs advance in competition to beat wildlife crime

Call of the Wild Tiger: using acoustics software to identify individual tigers by their calls

Linking environmental and animal movement data sets: how the Movebank Env-DATA System helps to explain snowy owl foraging behavior

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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