
282 stories

Only 6.5% of global forests are adequately protected, study finds

Battle at the bat box: Camera trap captures ocelot standoff in restored forest

New assessment shines a light on the state of North America’s fireflies

We have turned the Amazon into a net greenhouse gas emitter: Study

As forests shrink, mammals are stressed out— with possible fallout for humans

More meat and playtime can calm your killer kitty

Nearly one-third of all oak species threatened with extinction, report says

Ending tropical deforestation is vital to public health, scientists say

New approaches needed to protect biodiversity as Aichi Targets go unmet

Current protected areas not enough to save parrots from extinction: Study

Lasers find forest gaps to aid tree mortality studies in Brazilian Amazon

Death by 1,000 cuts: Are major insect losses imperiling life on Earth?

‘Spectacular’ orange-furred bat described from West African mountain

New orchid species from Guiana Highlands named by Indigenous group

Monitoring tropical deforestation is now free and easy

Canopy beetles and flowering trees rely on each other in the Amazon, study

Top positive environmental stories from 2020

Top 15 species discoveries from 2020 (Photos)

Human rights-based conservation is key to protecting biodiversity: Study

Critical temperature threshold spells shorter lives for tropical trees

No endangered listing for monarch butterflies as western count hits alarming low

[Photos] Tiny frog, venomous viper among 20 new species described in Bolivia

Only 40% of world’s forests have high ecological integrity, a new index reveals

Through war, wildfire and pandemic, the world’s seed vaults hold strong

Study identifies mega trends with ‘major consequences’ for forests, livelihoods

Meet the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

‘CSI Amazon’: Epic study looks at what’s killing the rainforest’s trees

As 2020 Amazon fire season winds down, Brazil carbon emissions rise

A warming Arctic is changing animal migrations, decades of tracking shows

For global wetlands, intensifying droughts pose a ‘diabolical’ threat

2020 fires endangering uncontacted Amazon Indigenous groups

‘Godfather of Peruvian falcons’ uncovers peregrine’s epic journey from the Arctic

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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