Mongabay founder Rhett A. Butler shares some images and footage from a recent trip to the Amazon rainforest.
The images were captured by drone just prior to COVID-19 becoming a global pandemic.
This post is insider content, which is available to paying subscribers.
In March 2020, just prior to COVID-19 being a pandemic, I spent a few days in the tri-border region of Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. There I used a drone to capture some images of the Amazon rainforest, including the flooded igapo forest, oxbow lakes, and terra firm forest.
Below is a collection of some of my favorite shots as well as a few short video clips. Some of these images will be appearing in future Mongabay stories.
Cobalt is a critical mineral for lithium-ion batteries that power a range of renewable energy storage systems, including electric vehicles and consumer electronics. In the heart of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s cobalt capital, southeastern Katanga Province, mining pollution is increasing and polluters often fail to respond properly, in accordance with Congolese law. According to […]