A new documentary, The Real Chainsaw Massacre, follows the corrupt and violent black market of illegal timber trading in Vietnam. The documentary highlights the efforts of undercover investigators with the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) working to expose the lucrative trade of illegal logging from Laos to Vietnam. A trade that is not only decimating forests in Southeast Asia, but is imperiling biodiversity, harming locals, and often coupled with other illegal activities.
The Real Chainsaw Massacre will air in the UK on Nat Geo Wild on December 22 at 8 PM and 11 PM as well as on Christmas Day at 10 PM.
To read more about the illegal logging trade in Laos and Vietnam: Vietnamese military illegally plundering Laos’ forests.
U.S. furniture demand drives illegal logging in Laos.
ECI Timber Trailer from Red Earth Studio on Vimeo.