Another opponent of logging in the Brazilian Amazon was gunned down in the state of Pará, reports AFP.
Joao Chupel Primo, 55, was shot and killed Saturday after receiving death threats due to his outspoken advocacy against illegal clearing of rainforests in Itaituba, a region in southeastern Pará. The Pastoral Land Commission says that Primo was shot in the head as he worked in a machine shop.
Primo became the eighth illegal logging activist killed since May in Pará and Rondonia. Few of the perpetrators have been brought to justice.
Conflict over land in the Brazilian Amazon is common. According to the Pastoral Land Commission, 383 people were killed in land conflicts between 2000 and 2010.
Tensions are especially high in the Brazilian Amazon due to high commodity prices, which boost land values and make land-grabbing — and associated deforestation — more profitable. Nevertheless deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is expected to be below normal for the 2010-2011 year.
Murders tied to land disputes in rural Brazil, cumulative total of 383 since 2000.
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