More charity money going to fight global warming
August 18, 2006
Increasing public awareness of the threat posed by climate change has driven environmental charitable giving to record highs according to The Wall Street Journal.
The paper says that giving to environmental causes surged 16% last year to $8.86 billion according to Giving USA. It notes that some environmental groups are worried that global-warming hype may sap donor funds away from other issues like wildlife and land conservation.
The paper reports that donations for global warming programs at the Environmental Defense Fund jumped to $13.78 million in the nine months ending in June — up from $6.6 million for all of its fiscal 2004, while the Sierra Club raised over $1.4 million last year for climate-change, up from $864,000 in 2001.
This article used quotes from “Rising Profile for Global Warming”, an article by Sally Beatty which appeared in the August 18, 2006 issue of The Wall Street Journal.