Wildlife conservation News

222 stories

To understand how animals roam, look at human movements, study says

Track-a-mole: Sniffer dog and eDNA help ‘rediscover’ South African golden mole

Panama copper mine to close after Supreme Court rules concession unconstitutional

Jaguar haven in Brazil’s Pantanal burns amid ‘new normal’ of wildfires

Deforestation surges in hotspot of critically endangered Bornean orangutans

World Bank accused of supporting evictions, rights abuses at Tanzanian park

Frogs in the pot: Two in five amphibian species at risk amid climate crisis

Ken Burns discusses heartbreak & hope of ‘The American Buffalo,’ his new documentary

In Mexico’s Holbox, a natural paradise suffers from its own popularity

Cambodia approves, then suspends, marble mine in Keo Seima REDD+ project

Off Mexico’s coast, world’s largest limpet is slipping into extinction

Skepticism as Cambodia expands protected areas by more than a million hectares

Offshore drilling faces backlash in Argentina after skirting environmental regulations

Kordofan giraffes face local extinction in 15 years if poaching continues

To safeguard a rare Brazilian woodpecker, an NGO bought out its habitat

Study: Protecting marine life is a big benefit to local communities, too

AI unlocks secrets of Amazon river dolphins’ behavior, no tagging required

World’s top sovereign fund latest to cut ties with dam in orangutan habitat

Fishing, dams and dredging close in on Peru’s river dolphins, study shows

Why did the orangutan cross the toll road to Indonesia’s new capital city?

In Chile, a wildlife rehab center deals with the aftermath of worsening fires

U.S. says Mexico failed to uphold international treaty protecting vaquita porpoise

Forest conservation efforts in Peru are failing across the board, study says

Still time to save Brazil’s Cerrado, study shows, but it’s running out fast

Indianapolis Zoo offers $1m grant for plan to save a threatened species

Conservationists unite to tackle Latin America’s dog threat to wild cats

Pumas create nutrient-rich ‘kill gardens’ to attract prey: Study

World’s newest great ape faces habitat loss, multiple threats: Will it survive?

National corridor project aims to save Chile’s endangered huemul deer

Wildlife trafficking gradually returns after pandemic lull, mostly by sea

Rewilding animals could be key for climate: Report

Citizen-run conservation booms in South America, despite state neglect

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