Sustainability News

31 stories

World’s top timber companies are dropping the ball on ESG reporting: Analysis

Logging done sustainably doesn’t have to harm ecosystem services, study finds

Indonesia’s oil palm smallholders get a boost in bid for sustainability

Venezuela’s shrimp farms push for sustainability against hardship and oil spills

Pemex waste contaminates Mexican communities while talking ‘sustainability’

Colombian wind farm end-of-life raises circularity and Indigenous questions

Indigenous Dayak ‘furious’ as RSPO dismisses land rights violation complaint

Colombian chef spearheads a food-based bioeconomy in the Colombian Amazon

‘Mercury is a complex problem’: Q&A with Colombian Mining Minister Irene Vélez Torres

For some Colombians, vows of mining reform are just a flash in the pan

Colombia’s ‘tree of life’ births a new culinary and conservation movement

Indigenous Kogi worldview aims to change face of conservation for good

To cut emissions from cattle ranching, beef up the soil, study says

In Patagonia, a puma’s life is decided by political borders

In Brazilian Amazon, mining harm comes from beyond just the mines, study shows

With new EU rules ahead, Indonesia adds sustainability to its timber legality system

Avocado farming is threatening Colombia’s natural water factory

Biofertilizers cut costs and GHG emissions for Brazilian soybean producers

‘More responsible forest management is needed’: Q&A with FSC’s Kim Carstensen

Regenerative agriculture in Mexico boosts yields while restoring nature

We’ve crossed the land use change planetary boundary, but solutions await

Return to agroforestry empowers women in Nepal

Afro-Colombian community safeguards pristine oceans with new protected area

Mongabay reporter sued in what appears to be a pattern of legal intimidation by Peruvian cacao company

In southern Colombia, Indigenous groups fish and farm with the floods

Data-driven platform looks to clear up fog of palm oil traceability

Palm oil grower looks to make amends for past deforestation in Indonesia

Environmental benefits or social — but rarely both — under RSPO, study finds

Indonesia’s biodiesel program fuels deforestation threat, report warns

Indonesia’s top palm oil deforesters are the usual shady suspects: Report

‘Meaningless certification’: Study makes the case against ‘sustainable’ palm oil

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