Research News

189 stories

Land inequality is worsening and fueling other social ills, report says

Brazil scientists map forest regrowth keeping Amazon from collapse: Study

Study identifies mega trends with ‘major consequences’ for forests, livelihoods

‘CSI Amazon’: Epic study looks at what’s killing the rainforest’s trees

As 2020 Amazon fire season winds down, Brazil carbon emissions rise

Conserve freshwater or land biodiversity? Why not both, new study asks

Palm oil giant Korindo accused again of illegally burning Papuan rainforest

A warming Arctic is changing animal migrations, decades of tracking shows

‘Godfather of Peruvian falcons’ uncovers peregrine’s epic journey from the Arctic

Armed and dangerous, ‘murder lorises’ use their venom against each other

Deforestation threatens to wipe out a primate melting pot in Indonesia

We’re not protecting enough of the right areas to save biodiversity: Study

$154b in capital has gone to 300 forest-risk companies since the Paris Agreement

As wild areas become farmland, species that carry diseases flourish

A jaguar nicknamed “Short-Tail” the first known to cross between Belize and Guatemala

Spiny lobsters raise an undersea racket that can be heard miles away

Disaster interrupted: How you can help save the insects

Legendary entomologist Terry Erwin passes away at age 79

Dangerous levels of heat and humidity rising in frequency, study says

Low-cost satellite forest monitoring for all: Q&A with CLASlite creator Greg Asner

As temperatures rise, meerkat pups feel the heat

Palm oil processors top plantations in destroying proboscis monkey habitat

Ancient Sri Lankans used ‘flexible’ quartz tools to hunt primates in rainforests

The wolf of Bangladesh: A true story

Study: Vast swaths of lost tropical forest can still be brought back to life

Altered forests threaten sustainability of subsistence hunting

Western chimp numbers revised up to 53,000, but development threats loom

Sri Lanka scientist blames industry as award for herbicide research is axed

A river runs through it — and keeps the Amazon’s bird species diverse

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