Forests News

658 stories

In Cambodia, an official’s cashew factory churns out timber from a protected forest

Road project promising access to Indigenous Waorani is ushering in deforestation

Palm oil deforestation makes comeback in Indonesia after decade-long slump

Ecuador government weighs delaying closure of controversial ITT oil block

Harmful mining continues in Nicaragua despite U.S. sanctions, new investigation shows

Bid to mitigate gold mine’s impact on orangutans hit by stonewalling, data secrecy

Tropical forests share similar mix of common and rare tree species, study shows

Ecuador-China free trade agreement poses serious environmental risks, critics say

Outcry over deforestation as Suriname’s agriculture plans come to light

Thousands of tree species at risk of extinction in Atlantic Forest: study

2023 fires increase fivefold in Indonesia amid El Niño

Forest restoration planned for Colombia’s Farallones de Cali National Park

Reversing progress, Indonesia pulp & paper drives up deforestation rates again

Palm oil giants push out smallholders in Guatemala; deforestation risks remain

False claims of U.N. backing see Indigenous groups cede forest rights for sketchy finance

Top stories of change from Latin America in 2023

Newly described tree species from Sumatra could be vital for threatened orangutans

Major soy producers announce improved deforestation commitments—with caveats

Suriname preparing to clear Amazon for agriculture, documents suggest

New tool aims to make nature-based solutions projects in SE Asia a better sell

Activists slam ‘independent’ probe by Indonesian palm oil giant into violations

Indigenous groups rebuke court OK for palm oil company to raze Papua forests

Chinese gold miners ‘illegally’ tearing up Cambodian wildlife sanctuary

Peru’s crackdown on illegal gold mining a success, but only briefly, study shows

Indonesia pushes carbon-intensive ‘false solutions’ in its energy transition

Brazil cattle traceability program to limit deforestation in Pará state

As RSPO celebrates 20 years of work, Indigenous groups lament unresolved grievances

Guatemala braces for unprecedented year of deforestation in Maya reserve

Cargill widens its deforestation-free goals, but critics say it’s not enough

Jane Goodall and Dax Dasilva partner with Amazon Indigenous youth for new Roots & Shoots program

Vizzuality data set aims to give companies full view of supply chain impacts

Calls for FSC to drop Canada’s Paper Excellence over ties to deforester

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