Great Apes News

10 orangutans released into the wild in Borneo

Borneo conservationists and top oil palm firm work to help orangutans

Bornean orangutan declared ‘critically endangered’ as forests shrink

Orangutan reintroductions could risk population survival, study warns

NGOs and oil-palm growers team up to help orangutans, but progress is slow

Disease prevention a boost to human health and great ape conservation

Eavesdropping on Cameroon’s poachers to save endangered primates

One ape, two ape: why counting apes is so difficult — but crucial

Designing the ideal wildlife corridor for Malaysia’s orangutans

Tripa’s Trials: protecting key orangutan habitat through the courts

An agribusiness revolution is needed to save Africa’s last great apes

The hidden toll of war: world’s largest ape plummets 77% in 20 years

Palm oil’s new frontier: averting a Great Ape catastrophe in Cameroon

Major legal system breakdowns threaten great apes of Africa, Asia

Leuser’s Legacy: how rescued orangutans help assure species survival

Orangutan refugees: weighing when to rescue the apes

Oil palm company takes lead on sustainable agriculture in Gabon

Even minor forest disturbance can cause great ape population crashes

Study doubles the number of endangered Sumatran orangutans believed to exist

Oil palm plantations need to protect orangutans (commentary)

Communities and cutting-edge tech keep Cambodia’s gibbons singing

Study gauges use of tea as buffer crop to curb mountain gorilla raids

Prospective Congo palm oil plantation wrecking prime great ape habitat

Click to like this: Is Instagram a hub for illegal ape deals?

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