Amazon Cattle Investigations News

Revealed: Illegal cattle boom in Arariboia territory in deadliest year for Indigenous Guajajara

A web of front people conceals environmental offenders in the Amazon

EU bill and new green policies spur progress on Brazil’s cattle tracking

How the Amazon’s ‘greatest devastator’ sold cattle to a Carrefour supplier 

In Brazil, criminals dismantle one of the best-preserved swaths of the Amazon

Foreign capital powers Brazil’s meatpackers and helps deforest the Amazon

‘They will die’: Fears for the last Piripkura as Amazon invasion ramps up

New permits for Brazilian beef exports to US could increase deforestation risk: Report

As blazes on embargoed Amazon land surge, links to meat industry emerge

Beef industry causes deforestation in Colombia’s Chiribiquete National Park

Brazilian meatpacker expands with World Bank funding but fails to reduce impacts in the Amazon

Brazilian beef industry plays outsized role in tropical carbon emissions: report

World’s biggest meatpackers buying cattle from deforesters in Amazon

UK supermarkets implicated in Amazon deforestation supply chain: report

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