Wildlife rescues News

87 stories

South Africa pulls the plug on controversial captive lion industry

Hunger, disorientation blamed for pilot whale mass stranding in Indonesia

The singing apes of Sumatra need rescuing, too (commentary)

Forest patches amid agriculture are key to orangutan survival: Study

Only 1 of 52 pilot whales survives mass stranding in Indonesia

Rescue of rare white tarsier raises fears of habitat loss, illegal pet trade

Whale shark stranding points to silting of Indonesia’s Kendari Bay

A good year for the Philippine eagle in 2020, but not for its supporters

Whale zone ahead: A cetacean speed trap tags ships going over the limit

Video: Vets hail ‘victory’ as jaguar burned in Pantanal fires returns to wild

Wildlife emergency in Bolivia as fires threaten animal sanctuaries

In the Horn of Africa, conflict and illegal trade create a ‘cheetah hell’

For the Pantanal’s jaguars, fires bring ‘death by a thousand needle wounds’

‘We are all ecstatic’: Rescued wild pangolin gives birth to healthy pup

Fires turn sage brush habitat in Washington into a scorched ‘oblivion’

Philippine wildlife reporting app promises to upgrade fight against trafficking

Sumatran rhino planned for capture is another female, Indonesian officials say

After canoe chase, Madagascar authorities seize 144 endangered tortoises

Pandemic or not, the mission to save the rare Philippine eagle grinds on

‘It’s a success’: Pangolins return to a region where they were once extinct

Indonesia resumes release of captive wildlife amid COVID-19

A Sri Lankan rescue center races to save wild patients during lockdown

Taylor and Tate: Canine-human teams rescue Australia’s fire-ravaged koalas

For Indonesia’s captive wildlife, lockdown measures may prove deadly

Rescuing orangutans ‘doesn’t work’ for apes or forests, studies find

On a mega reserve in Laos, rescued moon bears find a new home

Coronavirus outbreak may spur Southeast Asian action on wildlife trafficking

Burning and bullets: Forest fires push Bornean orangutans into harm’s way

Indonesia forest fires push orangutans into starvation mode, study finds

A Philippine conservation park juggles funding needs with animal welfare

Malaysia’s last male rhino is fading fast, officials say

Indonesia trains its citizens to deal with sea-mammal strandings

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