Wildlife consumption News

81 stories

Vietnam wildlife trade ban appears to flounder amid coronavirus success

As COVID-19 pandemic deepens, global wildlife treaty faces an identity crisis

Chinese ban on eating wild animals likely to become law: Q&A with WCS’s Aili Kang

Vietnam considers wildlife trade ban in response to coronavirus pandemic

Coronavirus outbreak may spur Southeast Asian action on wildlife trafficking

A Philippine conservation park juggles funding needs with animal welfare

Scientists rediscover mammalian oddity in remote Vietnam

Massive pangolin seizure in Borneo smuggling operation bust

Camera trap captures spotted hyena in Gabon national park, the first in 20 years

The curious case of the phantom hippo teeth

Bats and viruses: Beating back a bad reputation

‘Running out of time’: 60 percent of primates sliding toward extinction

Fiery end for the last of the toothfish pirates

Alarming proof of underreported bushmeat crisis in heart of Amazonia

Sung te giac ethics: New wealth brings new responsibilities (commentary)

Eaten to extinction? India’s purple frog faces another threat

Killing of black macaques in Indonesia sparks debate over hunting

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