Tracking News

59 stories

Satellite trackers help fight vultures’ extinction in southern Africa

For the birds: Innovations enable tracking of even small flying animals

Filling in the gaps: Managing endangered species on the high seas

Stay or go? Understanding a partial seasonal elephant migration

Tagging and tracking the Tour de Turtles

An anti-poaching technology for elephants that is always listening

Monitoring the ambitious land restoration commitments in Africa

Tracking tools identify regional hubs of whale shark activity

From rescue to research: training detection dogs for conservation

USAID Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge awards Acceleration Prizes for rapid tech developments

Madagascar’s radiated tortoises have personalities, too

Creating corridors: researchers use GPS telemetry data to map elephants’ movements

Location, location, location goes high-tech: Facts and FAQs about satellite-based wildlife tracking

Location, location, location: Facts and FAQs about radio telemetry

Beyond data collection — the social and political effects of environmental sensor proliferation

Powering aquatic research with self-charging tags

Understanding the ghost of the mountain

Light, long-lasting and low-cost: the technology needs of field conservationists and wildlife researchers

Participatory Mapping in the Mobile Age

Can new technologies help solve the mysteries of migration?

Studying Cecil: development and deployment of lion-tracking technology

Tags that protect, as well as track, endangered carnivores

Applying open-source tracking technology to hunting research in Brazil

Sunrise to sunset: documenting warbler migrations with cheap, light geolocator tags

Build Your Own RFID

Video: the conservation drone revolution

Using drones to monitor wildlife in India

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