Toxicology News

19 stories

Thousands of chemicals from food packaging found in humans, a major study reveals

Plastic pollution pushing Earth past all nine planetary boundaries: Report

The plastics crisis is now a global human health crisis, experts say

As global fire risk rises, modern homes become toxic plastic traps

North Atlantic orcas reveal the troubling persistence of toxic ocean pollutants

Are flame retardants about to burn a hole in biodiversity? (commentary)

Tropical mammals under rising chemical pollution pressure, study warns

Chemical recycling: ‘Green’ plastics solution makes more pollution, says report

Tiny plastic particles accumulating in river headwaters: Study

For pharmaceuticals fouling wastewater and wildlife, solutions exist (commentary)

Novel chemical entities: Are we sleepwalking through a planetary boundary?

Rio Tinto-owned mine is polluting Malagasy water with uranium and lead, NGOs say

Climate change isn’t fueling algal blooms the way we think, study shows

‘Great concern’ as study finds microplastics in human placentas

Field Notes: Mapping condor conservation strategies

Inside The Toxic Tour: Not for prime-time Ecuador (PHOTOS)

Local economy ruined by pesticide pollution in the Caribbean

Scientists discover high mercury levels in Amazon residents, gold-mining to blame

Mercury hurts birds and people: what we can learn from studying our feathered friends

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