Shipping News

23 stories

River dredging in Bangladesh: Investigation shows government claims don’t add up

Shipbreaking pollutes Türkiye’s coast despite European cleanup efforts

South Africa’s penguins heading toward extinction; will no-fishing zones help?

Expected ship traffic to LNG Canada port could see whale deaths also rise

Top 15 species discoveries from 2022 (Photos)

Will shipping noise nudge Africa’s only penguin toward extinction?

2021’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Top 15 species discoveries from 2021 (Photos)

New ecolabel will certify ‘Whale-Safe’ shipping companies and cruise lines

Fewer than 100 of these giant whales make up a newly described species

2020’s top ocean news stories (commentary)

Whale zone ahead: A cetacean speed trap tags ships going over the limit

Battle over proposed Colombian port at Tribugá puts sustainable development in focus

New tool alerts ships when whales are near. But will they slow down?

Birthday party on ship may have led to oil spill in Mauritius, Panama regulator says

Mauritians take to the street over oil spill and dolphin and whale deaths

Company investigated for timber trafficking gets stimulus from Peru government

Mauritius’s plan to dump part of wrecked ship sparks controversy

Mauritius grapples with worst environmental crisis in a generation

Brazil could dynamite Amazon dolphin, turtle habitat for industrial waterway

‘I’ll never be ready for this port,’ locals say of Colombia’s proposed project

Colombian investors push Pacific port project, threatening biodiversity hotspot

Singapore court: illicit timber trafficking through our ports not our problem

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