Senegal News

37 stories

Chimps remember, for years, the location of ant nests that provide food

To renew or not to renew? African nations reconsider EU fishing deals

Fishing by dodgy fleets hurts economies, jobs in developing countries: Report

Report shines partial light on worst labor offenders in opaque fishing industry

As companies buy ‘plastic credits,’ are they reducing waste or greenwashing?

In Senegal, rice intensification helps farmers grow more with less

Forests & finance: Protection and restoration in Cameroon and Senegal, fire threat in Angola

Senegal herders demand return of grazing grounds controlled by U.S. firm

Video of rare West African lion cubs sparks hope for the population

Win for science as BP pressured into cleaning up offshore gas plans

Forests & Finance: A road project, food baskets, and unique wildlife

Fished out at sea and smoked out on land, Senegal fishers take on a fishmeal factory

Book Review: ‘Slaves for Peanuts’ gets to the troubling roots of a beloved snack

A tale of successes and new challenges in Senegal: Q&A with ICCA coordinator Salatou Sambou

Small farmers take a stand for one of Dakar’s last urban woodlands

Worked to death: How a Chinese tuna juggernaut crushed its Indonesian workers

In mangrove restoration, custom solutions beat one-size-fits-all approach

Though forests burn, trees retake farmland globally as agroforestry advances

10-year plan hopes to give western chimpanzees a fighting chance

Global fisheries deprive local communities of key nutrients, study finds

Deadly parrot virus found in native birds from Asia and Africa

Women’s work in Senegalese conservation includes exorcising demons

Watching the wildlife return: Q&A with a rural Senegalese river monitor

Senegal: After reviving fish and forests, Jola villages tackle new threats

Investors learning to pay heed to community land rights

West African countries come together to stop the illegal rosewood trade

Threatened West African rosewood species gets CITES protection

Countries call for new CITES protections for rosewood species

Dolphins caught in fishing nets: to eat or not to eat?

Flag states can be held liable for violations of fishing vessels abroad, international tribunal rules

Five new, cryptic bats discovered in Senegal

New endangered list for ecosystems modeled after ‘Red list’ for species

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