Reptiles News

617 stories

Three new gecko species described in Nepal: Interview with herpetologist Santosh Bhattarai

How one researcher walked thousands of miles along India’s shores to conserve sea turtles

Concerns of illegal sea turtle trade persist in Bali as police foil smugglers

Wave of arrests as Madagascar shuts down tortoise trafficking network

Order restored in Indonesia as fishers recapture scores of farmed crocodiles

Nearly 20,000 animals seized in global wildlife trafficking crackdown

Illegal trade is pushing Bangladesh’s freshwater turtles to the brink

How tortoise conservationist Hery Razafimamonjiraibe manages risks to antipoaching teams

Photos: Top new species from 2024

Greater Mekong serves up 234 new species in a year, from fanged hedgehog to diva viper

China’s plans to trace wildlife trade risks inflaming trafficking, critics warn

Amid haze of war, Lebanese activists helped turtle hatchlings journey to sea

Bangladesh introduces awareness initiatives to curb panic over Russell’s vipers

As climate change shakes up global map of venomous snakes, health risks abound

Siamese crocodile hatchlings a ‘promising sign’ in Cambodia, but greater protection needed

Nepal’s shifting biodiversity research landscape: Interview with Karan Bahadur Shah

In Peru, conservationists and archaeologists unite to save a threatened gecko

Studying snakes without rattling them? There’s now tech for that

Madagascar lemurs, tortoises seized in Thai bust reveal reach of wildlife trafficking

Bangladesh uses satellite transmitters on saltwater crocodiles in Asia’s first

Spotted softshell turtle release boosts reptile conservation in Vietnam

Study identifies species with a long history but short future amid threats

Nepal’s release of endangered crocs into historical habitat raises concerns

New ecoregion proposed for Southern Africa’s threatened ‘sky islands’

Gharial conservation plan leaves Nepal fishing communities searching for new jobs

We’re losing species faster than we can find them, study shows

Risks to Myanmar’s last saltwater crocs point to coastal conservation needs

Nepal’s gharial population rises, but threats to the crocs persist

As Sri Lanka floods swell with climate change, so does human-crocodile conflict

Study: Tiny tortoise may play large role in South Africa’s Karoo landscape

Photos: Top species discoveries from 2023

Could mugger crocodiles be brought back from regional extinction in Bangladesh?

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